Celtic Sea Ports, Engineering and Infrastructure

29 April 2022

Recognising the crucial role of port infrastructure in delivering floating wind opportunities, the Celtic Sea Cluster and British Ports Association, together with key ports, engineering companies and infrastructure owners, are working to collectively agree how to build a floating wind industrial ecosystem for the next 50 years. The ambition is a sustainable industry anchored in the Celtic Sea region transforming the economic base for generations.

This initial output from the Celtic Sea Cluster Ports working group explains the ports current position today, the ambition for the future and steps to be taken working together to achieve that ambition.

Ports, Engineering and Infrastructure – Driving the Celtic Sea FLOW Opportunity – Position Paper from the Celtic Sea Cluster Ports Working Group

Celtic Sea Summit 27 April 2022 – Slide Deck

Low Carbon Installation Logistics Report studying the optimal batch number and optimal batch size for the installation of a 500MW wind farm in the Celtic Sea utilizing thirty-four 15MW wind turbine generators at a location adjacent to South Wales.

First Celtic Sea Cluster Summit Event

The Celtic Sea Floating Offshore Wind (FLOW) Summit was held on 27th April 2022.  This was an interactive in-person event attended by over 80 individuals from 55 organisations including representatives from most of the developers active in the region and the major Celtic Sea ports. Four key challenges were addressed:

  • Ports and Infrastructure
  • Grid
  • Workforce
  • Spatial Planning

Here are the executive summary of the event and more detailed notes.

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