CFA – Anchoring and Mooring of FLOW – 22nd September 2022

02 Rhagfyr 2022

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator (CFA), in conjunction with the Marine-I2 project and Celtic Sea Cluster, held a  workshop on anchoring and mooring of floating offshore wind, the challenges and opportunities for the Celtic Sea.  The workshop was held on 22nd  September 2022, hosted by Feritech Ltd in Cornwall.

Significant research and development work has been conducted by ORE Catapult both under the auspices of the CFA project and as part of the Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence (FoWCoE) projects.  University of Exeter have also conducted significant leading edge research in this area.  Plus there is now real experience/performance data to review from actual FOW installations.  This workshop offered the opportunity to update industry (particularly South West businesses and developers active/interested in the Celtic Sea) on the key findings, issues and future challenges and opportunities uncovered by these projects and research.

The event included presenters from ORE Catapult, University of Exeter and notable industry speakers.  The day was designed to achieve a clear and stimulating delivery of leading edge research as well as creating an environment in which industry could contribute, question and make contacts for future collaboration/planning.

The event successfully:

  • Raised awareness of challenges and opportunities for anchoring and mooring in Celtic Sea floating offshore wind.
  • Shared latest research and real world lessons.
  • Stimulated discussions on technical challenges.
  • The key themes, issues and takeaways can be summarised under the following:
    • Technology & Innovation
    • Environmental
    • Installation & O&M
    • Supply Chain
    • Sharing information and dissemination.

Anchoring and Mooring

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